Monday, October 27, 2008

Why be moral?

I always wondered why some people kill other, and the only reason i could think of is a different sense of morality. We all have goals in our life. Money, Power, Love, Fame is the most common but the smaller gaols in life is where the issue of morality comes into play. Pushing a smear campaign for power or leading by example for power. The end is still in reach and can be achieved ether whey but if hurting or helping someone to get there is morality.

Where do we get morality from? Its simple, Experience. From what we learn is how we deal with things. Don't get me wrong, it has nothing to do with our mental state, it mealy stats that we learn via experience and example. How we deal with one example of problems is what we know and will do it again if the need arrases. That does not mean that we cant learn how to do things differently the next time.

The biggest factor in our creation of morality is Law. Fear of prison can make you do the " right" thing. The biggest laws we gather from religion example " thou shell not kill" and we cant change it. the second is the Laws from man and it is the laws that is mostly broken. Mostly we think we do the right thing because if we do other wise we will be punished, so it must be wrong. Isn't it strange that the only one that gets punished in war is the losing side. Makes me think that the biggest reason for anyone to do against the law is when they can get away with it. So morality from law is only paper thin but it is still what most people not to "bad" things.

I am going to use a example of a warlord. A warlord goes on a rampage near you and kills almost every one in front of you. You know he did it you saw him. Now lets up him if front of you at a different time. Will you A) kill him where he stands or B) let the law take place.

If you answered A you become just like him for he(warlord) is a murderer now you are one just for the sake of revenge.

If you answered B you rid the feeling of guilt for you dumped it onto someone else, but you will most likely feel unsafe till he dies.

Ether answered is correct for your morality will govern the answers for C) warlord never thought killing is wrong.

So no mater what you do or say in your life. Learning is the greatest gift. Past experience will hunt you only if let someone else say you did it wrong. What you do and say now is who you are morally and if it turns out to bite you afterwards it is OK, because if you turn back time to that regrettable moment you properly do it the same way. It is not something to dwell upon. Try not to give advise to some one without experience in the matter for that makes you a hypocrite.


Monday, October 6, 2008

God, am I insane?

If i am insane, then you are normal, then I think i am normal, who will be insane? That makes no sense yet all the sense. I have asked you a million times and every time I draw the conclusion that if I still question my normality i am still in the limitation of the norm. For if you stops asking the you will automatically presume that you are normal, then nothing yet every thing will matter.
I am saying that the classification of ones mental stat is hypocritical. For a standard have not yet been made for a person to follow. It is as relevant as time. Time is a measuring tool, 60 sec, 60 min, 24 hours. All these units are measured from the position of the sun to earth. What will be the "time" of Mars or Neptune? Same with the classification of good to evil, sane to insane, smart to stupid.

We as humans have greater intellect that our chimp friends yet there is cases that everyone have seen that we still react like animals. driven by feelings not thought. Alcohol is my prime example of that we truly are, for it takes us back to the primitive beings that we long for. It alters the reality from city to jungle, with a one track mind seeking and acting for what we long. Just like a animal, a dog seeking food. We all know we are animals yet most people need convincing of that fact, acting like they are something higher, a god. We as humans are all still just a animal. The only deference between our human and animal is communication. Humans can convey our thoughts and feelings to another in a more in depth manner to animals. Lets not forget that we also lie most of the time too.

Like animals, most of our behavior and decisions are govern by instinct. Playing chess with two different people will reveal that there instincts are different from person to person but the fact remains that some people instinct is to defend while another will attack. If a person made in choice that is wrong in another eyes, that instinct that screams wrong was screaming at the person that made the choice it is right. So it is save to say that no one will ever really understand another. In long turn relations, like siblings or lovers, there choices will start becoming predictable and soon the instincts will collide, creating a "instinct for instincts". The ability to read another s emotional graft, but it is still not "looking through another s eyes" for that is uncomprehending.

Wandering where this is going?
Me too.

I don't believe in the past memories that govern our behavior. It all started then a clever man wandered "why am a clever?" and started connecting behavioral with people. If there is smoke there is fire and there is fire everywhere if you look hard enough. Now there are these experts that learned of displeasing quilt makes every one happy. If it don't work give him drugs! Motto of the physiotherapy community. Mr Albert Einstein arranged his closed with pairs and two of everything. Classic behavior of OCD, but he didn't want to wast a second with the thought of what to put on when he wakes up. If he was treated for OCD with drugs and made his mind wander about his life, world he become one of the greatest minds in the world? Newton flunked out of school because of the inability to learn. Sounds like ADD. Come on! 100 years ago it what Hyper now ADD. Why the sudden change? Is in a Normalization of people? Are we making a robot community? We are all insane in our own way but that is a gift that should be accepted. And if you think for one second the reason you are not normal, you wasted your mind on that it means to be HUMAN.

So I don't believe in a definition of normal so I cant really call any one insane nor can I call an one by a neurotic behavior, for we are all atoms of the world crashing into another creating sparks of wonder.